Hobart Personal Trainers
Meet the personal trainers of the Hobart Family YMCA. Personal trainers are part-coach, part-mentor, part-friend, and even part drill instructor at times. You may not always like your trainer, but you will absolutely love them for the results you will see. Trainers will help you develop a program and stick with it. You’ll gain more confidence and improved fitness. Let the expertise of our certified personal trainers motivate you and help you achieve your goals!
Get to Know the Personal Trainers
NCSF Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Lifeguard
AED/CPR Certified
Group Exercise Certified
Certified Nutritonist
Favorite thing about being a trainer:
My favorite thing about being a trainer is being able to help people become stronger and accomplish things they never thought was possible for themselves!
One thing I wish everyone knew about fitness:
Losing weight is as simple as burning off or eating less calories than your body needs!
Areas of interest:
Boxing, calisthenics, nutrition, and powerlifting.
What do you do outside of the YMCA:
I like to workout, read, and am intrested in learning more about classical literature.
One interesting fact about you:
I’m looking forward to finishing my education in nutrition, becoming a pilot, real estate agent, and firefighter.